代子公司WinkingStudiosLimited公告重要訊息1.事實發生日:113/04/022.公司名稱:Winking Studios Limited3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):子公司4.相互持股比例:50.96%5.發生緣由:無6.因應措施:無7.其他應敘明事項(若事件發生或決議之主體係屬公開發行以上公司,本則重大訊息同時符合證券交易法施行細則第7條第9款所定對股東權益或證券價格有重大影響之事項):本公司子公司Winking Studios Limited今日於新加坡交易所公告如下:The Board of Directors of Winking Studios Limited (the ”Company”, andtogetherwith the subsidiaries of the Company, the ”Group”) wishes toannounce that as part of the Company’s business strategies to enhancethe Group’s presence globally, capture market opportunities and capitaliseon prospects and growth trends, the Company is constantly exploring variousoptions with a view to furthering the growth and expansion of the Group,including but not limited to, corporate actions such as potentialfundraising exercises, pursuing strategic acquisitions, alliances andjoint ventures to grow the Group’s market share and broaden the Group’scustomer base and exploring the dual listing of the Company, amongstothers, having regard to the long-term potential benefit to the Group.If and when there are any material developments, the Company will, incompliance with the Catalist Rules, make further announcements on anymaterial developments as and when appropriate.Shareholders of the Company (the ”Shareholders”) should note that there isno assurance that any transaction will materialise or that any definitive orbinding agreement will be entered into as these would depend on, inter alia,the prevailing market conditions and the receipt of relevant approvals,including approvals from regulatory authorities and Shareholders, ifrequired.Shareholders and potential investors of the Company should exercise cautionwhen trading in the Company’s shares. Shareholders and potential investorswho are in doubt as to the action they should take should consult theirlegal, financial, tax or other professional advisers.上述內容,中文翻譯如下,謹供參考。Winking Studios Limited(以下稱「本公司」,與本公司之子公司合稱「集團」)董事會公告,增強集團全球影響力、獲取市場機會、把握未來成長趨勢為本公司發展策略的一部分,本公司將持續探索各種機會,以促進集團的成長及擴展,包括但不限於潛在的籌資活動、追求戰略收購、策略聯盟及合資,以擴大集團市占率與客戶基礎,以及本公司雙重上市等對集團具有長期潛在利益之活動。若有任何重大進展,本公司將遵守凱利板規定,適時就任何重大進展作進一步公告。本公司股東(下稱「股東」)應注意,本公司不保證任何交易實現,也不保證將完成簽署任何明確或有約束力之協議,因這些協議將取決於市場現況及相關核准,包括來自監管機構及股東之許可(如果需要)。本公司股東及潛在投資者從事本公司股票交易時應審慎評估。股東和潛在投資者如對應採取之行動有疑義時,應諮詢其法律、財務、稅務或其他專業顧問。以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責。